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Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Fight

I had another fight with my mom. It is probably the one that predictable. Well, I'm not fight alot with mommy. But sometimes it could happens right?

She's angry because I was spent time with some friend at home yesterday, and then my mom saw a couple doing sex things in front of her.

This morning, she said like, "are they thinking this house is a place for a prostitude? don't they seeing me?? What? Are they thinking I was a statue in front of them? I AM THE ONE WHO OWN THIS HOUSE. So, show me some respect!!"

I said like, "okay, then I'll never bring them in anymore, they don't fit in here." and you know what? she's yelled at me. I was lazy listn to the convo like this. So I watched Keeping Up With The Kadarshian while she's talked. And she become more angry.

At the start I was thinking like okay, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut and listn to her. But at the end, we had argue. We never had it before, because when she angry I just keep my mouth zipped. This morning is different, I was really pissed off until I text about this, my tears keep falling down. She was saying words that's really hurt me. She was saying how bad I am and compare me with my big brother.

I hate when she saying things like that. She keep saying about how nice she is, that's why she keep feed me and doing things that she shouldn't do for me at this age. She said like I am failed with my life. I feel really sad.

And all I think right now is move out from this house. I will get a new job and I will move out no matter what. "Am I not good enough for you? I feed you and your friends when they are around here!!"

FEED ME? Like seriously, if you want me out, just saying and I'll move out. You don't have to said something like that. Thanks for hurting me, Mom.


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