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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Apologize

i want to apologize to all of you. because, lately, i'm being soooo childish and emotional and moody and stupid and don't want to meet anybody and yeah, you know how bad it is. haha yeah, i don't really know what's going on around here.

but don't worry, i'll fix it all as soon as i can :)
now i'm fine. fine. i mean, i'm still breathing through my mouth and nose PLUS i'm not eat my fingers, no bleed. fine.

right now, while i'm blogging, to be honest, i'm buried in the big pile of dirty clothes on my own room. there's my father's old guitar in the corner and it's broken (someone had smashed it hard). in the other corner, lots of tissue used to clean the make-up. books everywhere. messy bed sheets. plastic food wraps everywhere. candies everywhere. wet towels (i don't know why it here! :O shocking eh? that's a bad joke, -____- i put it in my room this morning after shower). i can't get out! it curse me! i think i have like the dirtiest room in the planet earth. -________-

but still, after all, i'm fine.
*happy ending*

PS :
sorry for bad english.
if you can't find me anywhere, you can contact me through this blog.
have a good day everyone! ;)

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