Hey guys! :D
It's almost the end of October, which means is... Halloween! Hahaha~
So many people, no, MOST people here never having fun on halloween. Kids never play trick or treats here. Hot chicks never prepare for their sexy halloween outfit. Parents never carving a pumpkin. Tho my parents always have enough candies for me. LOL. But there are few ppl doing something fun for halloween such like international school, night clubs and bars, and yeah, some people do. Here in Indonesia, mostly, we don't have stuff like that.
I don't know why but I'm really excited to talk about something creepy lately LFMAO! FYI, I'm a BIG coward. I can't sleep beacuse the Grudge 2, I hate broken tv because the Ring, I don't wanna go to an old building because Haunted Changi, I don't wanna turn my lights off because Paranormal Activity, and I will never have a long straight hair because I don't wanna see Ju On through reflection in the mirrors.
Hey, even I'm a chicken, I will tell you a creepy story no matter what. Wellcome. :D
When I was 17, few weeks after my birthday, me and my family move to a bigger house. It's a beautiful place, mom and dad love it so much. Actually my mom make her own sketch, yeah, she designed this house. She design my room, painted with purple and pink like a 13 y.o girl's room, match with the pink-white floor. Have no idea. LOL. Ah yeah, you can see warehouse from my bed (of course if the door is open).
Well, After a week passed, I realized that every night I always woke up at my room in the middle of the night, always in the same time. I though it was insomniac or something like sleep disorder. But more I think about it more I know what it's about.
Always in the same time, 00:07 AM. When I open my eyes, I saw my door is open. And I can see the warehouse. I was thinking like, "why 00:07 AM?" Or "who's open my door?" And "is there something wrong with me?". It's happened for almost 2 weeks and stopped because I started (and I never forget to) lock my door.
One day, my friends from college came to my house. They want to make a short movie and asked me if they could use my room as a set. So, I showed them my room. One of them, Reza, he is busy with his phone talking with his girlfriend.
I said, "when you done, go upstair, the door in the right side is mine, okay?" And he answered "okay"
So we left him alone in the living room. Guess what?
While we had a serious talk in my room, Reza running in! He's face looks shocked. He sit in the carpet and when we asked what happened to him, he just said a bad words in repeat. And we had a talk.
"Dammit! Dammit! Who's that? Dammit!"
"Hey dude, what happened, haha you look like just meet a ghost" said one of my friend. They laughed.
Reza answered, "Shut up! Dammit! Gimme a ciggarate!"
And I asked him, "Chill man, what's going on with you? Is there something problem?" And once again, my friends are laughed. They gave a cigar and said "yeah right, the worst thing is he broke up with his hot girlfriend"
"No man, I see someone... I see, I don't know who. Here, in the second floor..."
"Where? And what is he doing here?"
"He ran from your nanny's room and ran and ran until he passed the wall... I-i-i'm not sure it's a wall or a door but he must be injured right now"
"Reza, it's not a nanny's room. It's a warehouse. Did I tell you that I'm alone right now?"
And they all stopped talking.
Since Reza saw something in there, It happened two or three times in the next years. But "it" never trying to make me scary. "It" did it to some of my friend. And my mom. Idk, maybe cause they were born as a special person, with sixth sense or something. I'm not a big fan of Supernatural or Ghost Wishperer. Yeah, tho I watched Ghost Wishperer sometimes, but it doesn't means that its bring me to a story like this.
So, that's all for today, have a nice weekends. Catch you later! (:
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