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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

a Few Days Ago

a few days ago, everything seems so bright.

i can see us years from now, one day,
stopping downtown to decompress at our favourite cafe, meeting with you of course.
talks about how we couldn't finish the work that piling up, and start talk about tomorrow.

we need to re-schedule our next meeting because we have no much time anymore. we're just pretty damn busy. then we start arguing, none of us wants to give in. everything is counting, time ticking faster. my organizer full with schedule for next two months and you, worse, three months are full with work.

look at us for a moment. you wearing the newest watch and your left hand never let your newest smartphone go away. and i'm wearing 1.000 dollar coat that actually i don't like very much and i never have bad hair day because i have my personal hairdresser.

a few days ago, everything go from being ok to a full 180 degree turn.

i can see us years from now, one day,
you come to my place, wearing pajamas. you sit on my couch playing with your PSP. i'm sitting next to you, wearing my jeans and slipper. i said you never let your newest smartphone go away, and that's true, you'll never let it go whatever will happens. and i'm the one who always start the conversation, asking your days and why you always wearing pajamas to my place.

you says to me that you need to move out of town because you get promotion. big one. hard to say because you just pretty damn busy. none of us wants to give in. you're counting time and money. time ticking faster and i'm going nowhere.

look at us for a moment. i'm different and you're not. that's why you keep wearing your pajamas because that's the cheapest clothes you have. you will not come to my place with your nice expensive suits because it's too much for a people like me.

whatever brought us here TODAY is really matters.
one mistake may be excuse for some people.
but some are forget that one mistake, could be the one which will destroy us.
we may not make that mistake, or we may trying hard to avoid it.
but people do and let us down as an effect.


that's what i feel lately when my life are falling down.
i didn't do mistake that i just talk about.
someone did and make a huge huge effect to me.
My heart is broken.
Trust me, thats not just expression.
I felt it, every single bit breaking from whole.
and i'm not talking about love,
i'm talking about time and money.

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