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Sunday, January 22, 2012


hello there!
(whoever you are, i never knows who was reading my blog because Indonesian are too lazy to leave a comment LOL)

i have a great great day. haha i said great twice. YES! because today, i adopted two adorable hamster from the pet market near Gunungsari. though it's named with "fish market", but you can always find many kind of animals like rabbit, cat, dog, lobster, reptils, and baby monkey! ._.

poor monkey :(

Me, mommy, and my big brother went to the market, we're actually want to buy fish for our mini pond in the dining room. we bought ten baby cat fish and when we at home, daddy shocked like "why cat fish? it isn't cute at all"

and i answered, "because they are strong, dad. they will survive in every bad or maybe worst weather. they will survive if mommy starts to put ice cube into pond. and plus, they eat anything. ANYTHING, seriously, if you put shit in that freaking pond, i guarantee you, they will eat all that shit!"

and then he laughed. btw, mommy really like to put ice cube into the pond. it's creepy, isn't? ._.

anyway, i was arguing with mom when we walked through the hamster booth. i really want a hamster. who wasn't? they are sooooo cute! well, mommy hate any kind of mamals. but i am a stubborn. if i want a hamster, then i'll buy one. or in this case, maybe two :P

here they are. playing on the wheels in my room.

they both are female, why? because i'm afraid if i bought female and male hamster they'll make babies. lots of baby. then they'll too busy to take care themself, start arguing, and then getting break up like a worst divorce ever. hmm... i'll buy female and male hamster AFTER i create a condom for hamster. LOL. or buy pessary for them. hahahahahaaa~ oh well. no, i'm actually worried if the female too aggressive and hurts the male like my last hamster did. so i guess, bought two female hamsters are the best choice.

i named them with Huru and Hara. Huru-Hara means hurly-burly, it's one word. i love that name because it's sounds like japanese name when you hear "huru" or "hara" (eventho in the japanese language there's no word sounds like huru and hara LOL) and when you put it together it's just describe what happen between huru and hara. it's a perfect word for them. :)

i'm gonna post their pict here, but not now. let them feel comfy with their new home first. so, catch you later guys! hope y'all have a nice sunday!

*kiss kiss*

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