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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Magic Cure


you know, the last three days, PMS really driven me crazy and moody :/ i felt like my days turn into a very bad days. this is really sucks. so, what do you guys do when you have a bad day? do you have any tips to make it better?

take a nap?
listening to a awesome songs?
put a little whiskey on your hot cocoa?
or eating something sweet like my momma did? haha!

having convo with my best friend usually does the trick. 8% because we share our problem with them and 90% because we play stupid games together! and the 2%? i guess it's the X-happy-lucky-factor. but actually, all of my friends always busy with their grown-up schedule, working. that's sounds lil bit sad, isn't? lol. so, i decided to listening to a music and looking my photo folder. i found this, haha!

i was really upset that day, and i decided to came to Angger (with the black eyeglass) place. then i met with Ricco (guy with the guitar) and Pras "tyo" (guy with cards i hand) in there. we shared. and then we play guitar and games. so, guess what happen when cards and coins meet with each other?
that was the most stupid poker game i ever play! because they forced me to play with coins from Angger pocket. lol. so you can see there's no poker coins in there ._.

can't say i'm good at poker but i'm definitely better than them. hehe. after they became bankrupt, I'm building a pyramid from cards and it's ended up with another fight between me and pras (though it's not a real fight). he's mad because i told him that i could make a higher pyramid than he did. then he competed me. so childish.

at the ended of the day, i'm actually felt much better. stupid games and friends is a magic cure for a bad day.


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