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Monday, January 16, 2012

Sharing and Laughing are Best Friends

Hello you,
after this almost three months break, I wanted to share something with you. not so annoying i hope. but i miss you so! *smooch*

umm, after reading some of my recent posts, i realize that i've kind of become that annoying oversharing blogger who assumes that you really want to know about everything going on in my life. sorry. hehe

okay well, Just thought I'd write a short post to share some of my old-time snaps. since because i miss hangout with Rina and Erin so badly, i'm gonna post some pictures with them *kiss*

ohh.. see! there's baby Vanya!
The lovely - and super cute - Vanya Raharjo, who very excitedly posed with us.

or... just me and two others being excited because of her?

i hope you are all having a day as lovely as yourselves, you're all fantastic. I'll leave this short and post something decent sometime soon - hopefully tomorrow.

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