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Monday, January 9, 2012


i had a lazy day, because i woke up in a completely empty house as none of my family had arrived. and i sleep (again) for almost whole day. my mom called me at noon, she bought me a mini birthday cake.

yeah, i turned 23!

i felt already old. i'm old. of course 23 is old enough. i hate become old. LOL. well, i must saying that i love the cake and it's absolutely break our diet, right mommy? hehe. me and mommy gonna spent this night watching star world and eating this cake. yum!

i've spent my night reading some bbm and SMS from my friends. thanks for the birthday greetings anyway. glad i have very nice friends around me.
you know what's the best present for a 23 year old girl who like sitting in front of her notebook so much? nothing. i have no birthday present. lovely.

i don't like a birthday party or surprises, so yeah, i don't have any plan to make one. but i'm gonna invite Rina and Eky tonight. making some food i'm good at and gossiping. LOL. I think dinner with family and close friends is a good idea. not fancy but still fun.

gotta go now. hope you have a great night and if today is your birthday, i hope you get the gifts that you dreamed of. make sure you give a kisses and hugs to your lovely family and friends on this blessing day.

*kiss kiss*

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